If it is a smartphone, then it requires a data plan.
Correct. You pay $10 more for the extra line and then you have to add the data plan for $30 more. That's $40 before taxes extra a month for a backup phone. Over a two year commitment, its cheaper to get the phone u want at full price. Unless someone is going to actually use the phone. Or add line and then cancel and get hit with the ETF and then sell old phone. I hope that came out right.
I actually called verizon yesterday about doing this. As long as the number is active there is no ETF. Data plans are not subject to an ETF. I just ordered the Rezound and plan to swap it to my line and put an old feature phone i have lying around on the new line (plus I'm cancelling my land line so I'm actually saving money each month).
Correct. You pay $10 more for the extra line and then you have to add the data plan for $30 more. That's $40 before taxes extra a month for a backup phone. Over a two year commitment, its cheaper to get the phone u want at full price. Unless someone is going to actually use the phone. Or add line and then cancel and get hit with the ETF and then sell old phone. I hope that came out right.
I actually called verizon yesterday about doing this. As long as the number is active there is no ETF. Data plans are not subject to an ETF. I just ordered the Rezound and plan to swap it to my line and put an old feature phone i have lying around on the new line (plus I'm cancelling my land line so I'm actually saving money each month).
That's true Verizon would do that but what about your contract with Amazon. They state you need to be active for 181 days with plan you select otherwise you Get hit with 250 fee. I would just get a data plan for 6 months then swap to an old phone and only pay 10 a month for the remaining term
Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
That's true Verizon would do that but what about your contract with Amazon. They state you need to be active for 181 days with plan you select otherwise you Get hit with 250 fee. I would just get a data plan for 6 months then swap to an old phone and only pay 10 a month for the remaining term
Amazon's website says that you need to keep a line of service active for the 181 days, not a data plan. Data plans are considered an add-on service like v-cast and all that other garbage. Verizon just requires that all smart phones have the data plan.
That's true Verizon would do that but what about your contract with Amazon. They state you need to be active for 181 days with plan you select otherwise you Get hit with 250 fee. I would just get a data plan for 6 months then swap to an old phone and only pay 10 a month for the remaining term
Amazon's website says that you need to keep a line of service active for the 181 days, not a data plan. Data plans are considered an add-on service like v-cast and all that other garbage. Verizon just requires that all smart phones have the data plan.
Another argument would be amazon sold you a smart phone and they know all smart phones require a data plan so its a requirement not an option. They do get commission for selling a data plan with a phone however if you cancel the data plan on that line, they would get a charge back from Verizon. I know wirefly won't allow swapping phones. Has anyone even tried asking Amazon if they allow it.
Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
Ok, I just called amazon wireless. You have to keep the phone that you order through them associated with the new number they give you for 181 days. You can't order the phone and then swap it to your existing line once you activate it. Bad news for me... just cancelled my order.
I was correct :icon_ lala: :icon_ banana:
Ok, I just called amazon wireless. You have to keep the phone that you order through them associated with the new number they give you for 181 days. You can't order the phone and then swap it to your existing line once you activate it. Bad news for me... just cancelled my order.
Interesting, when I talked to Amazon they told me that as long as the line stays active (granted I will be keeping a smartphone on it), you can swap it per the carrier's regulations. So then I spoke with Verizon and they told me I can swap phones on my account around as much as I want, as long as I don't cancel the line, otherwise I get hit with the ETF.
I had talked to 2 separate people at Amazon. They both told me that with their "instant discount" pricing if I were to swap phones within my account I would have to pay $250. Its up to you if you want to try it, but I didnt think it was worth it.
Chizzele said:I swap between my OG to my RAZR myself through my Verizon online account and never paid anything.
That's what I was told originally, now I want to double-check. I can't see how or why they would hit you if you swap the phone around on your own account, so long as the original contract doesn't change, which it won't.
And confirmation from a second employee...so long as I keep the phone on the account, and don't cancel the service, there will be no issue. Their main issue was making sure Verizon was okay with it.