My name is ***** and I would like to thank you for calling in today and speaking with me about violating the instant discount policy. I am very sorry for any inconvenience because of the lack of information displayed on our website.
I explained that you will not violate the instant discount policy if the current Razr holder switches with another member of the same family account.
Just jumped in on this by adding another line to my family account. I was prepared to spend the $250 pricetag on it before this sale. Says delivery date will be the 29th![]()
Can't wait!!! Thanks for posting this deal!
Hey man,
Kinda like me you are boned unless you want to eat the etf. If your gf doesn't mind getting a new phone number then I would drop her account, grab the penny phone and then sell the tbolt to cover the cost of the etf. I believe it goes down one of two ways.
1. $10 per month
2. $Etf/24 per month
I know my number is worth more than 299 bucks but maybe she won't wife would call me crazy if I suggested this idea to her lol
If you are 1/2 way through the contract then your etf is probably about 125 ish but I think verizon has to tell you that over the phone. It you ask they might ask why you want to quit and maybe they will adjust your bill to retain you. If they apply that to your family account you can still cancel and maybe keep the discount.... I have heard of verizon doing these things for others when the customer says things are too many expensive.
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From what I can find out online, the ETF is $350 minus a measly $10 per month you are into the contract, so at 10 months that only brings it down to $250. But if I can get a phone for a penny, sell the TBolt to cover most of the ETF, then we would come out ahead according to my math.
So how does one set this up? Just change my plan to the family plan which comes with two lines? I am not sure how to actually order this stuff, as I would be ordering the phone through Amazon and not VZW. If I set up a Family plan on my account, can I just leave no phone on the second line for now and swap the new phone from Amazon onto it?
I know what I want to do, I just don't know HOW to do it in order to make sure I get the deal and don't get hosed. I will eat the ETF and sell her TBolt to defer the cost when she closes her account.
So, who has done this and what do I need to do to make sure it goes smooth?![]()
Ok, so here is what I had to do. In order to get the phone from Amazon on a second line, you have to first go to VZW and switch your individual plan to the family plan. THEN Amazon can add an additional line to your existing account and set up the new phone for a penny.
I tried to set up a new individual line and the order failed, and Amazon Wireless rep said that Amazon can set up a new account for people who are not already with VZW, or they can add a line to a family plan, but they cannot add a new individual line to existing customers.
So I called VZW, set up a Family plan with 2000 minutes and unlimited messaging, and then I ordered the Rezound. When we get it on Wednesday, we will swap numbers with her account, and then close her old account, sell the TBolt to cover the EFT and call it a day.
So you won't have to change her number? That's excellent news. For someone like me, that is no longer under contract, it sounds like I could do the same thing except NOT have to pay the ETF. So if your method holds true I could do the same thing since I already have a family plan. The plot thickens....just can't decide if i want to pull the trigger on the penny RAZR or pay 269 for the gnex...oh well. Hope you enjoy the Rezound and thanks for providing information from the Amazon and VZW customer support to others in this forum - I'm sure it'll help others make better informed decisions!
Well, initially the phone will come with a new number, but we can port hers over I think if we go into a VZW store and have them do the swap. At that point we are just swapping numbers, not lines. The old line we can cancel after the fact. That is the plan at least. LOL
So you won't have to change her number? That's excellent news. For someone like me, that is no longer under contract, it sounds like I could do the same thing except NOT have to pay the ETF. So if your method holds true I could do the same thing since I already have a family plan. The plot thickens....just can't decide if i want to pull the trigger on the penny RAZR or pay 269 for the gnex...oh well. Hope you enjoy the Rezound and thanks for providing information from the Amazon and VZW customer support to others in this forum - I'm sure it'll help others make better informed decisions!