not saying your wrong but ill scan and post my ststement wich clearly is wrong, since the cards only porpose is google market and you can see that 5 or 6 do not say google checkout after them and say retail store in UK, and i havent traveled, also google email'd me after a VERY LONG RANT i went on in an email i sent and they were very round a bout how it happened but they admited their service was comprimised , wont say how, when , where , but they admit it, and are very cool about it, accually way cooler than visa is being, lolThis is HIGLY unlikely.
Google Checkout uses the same SSL securities banks do and there is no peer to peer transactions that take place.
For instance, the Iranians who hacked into the video feed off of the UAV's that Air Force flies with 30$ over the counter software. And heck that's the military.
I used my old unemployment card so the state can deal with it.
I had a call from my credit card company this morning with fraudulent charges occurring on my account. One of them was for "telephone services." I've used the card in Market but I've also used it elsewhere.