google has emailed me back and admited fault and that their server may be comprimised they are aware..
can you post up a copy of this message? i'm sure a lot of us would be interested to see what they admitted to and what they said. thanks
google has emailed me back and admited fault and that their server may be comprimised they are aware..
While it does have SSL certificates it doesn't mean it's 100% safe. Seeing as how i doubt any of us truly know how google checkout fully functions. Do they act merely as a proxy and still provide those companies with your CC info, or do they charge you and send the money to the companies who sell the apps? Is there certain things in the middle of doing either of those or at the end that could compromise a CC, i'm sure there is. Nothing on the internet is 100% safe, if someone wants it, they will find a way to get it.
For instance, the Iranians who hacked into the video feed off of the UAV's that Air Force flies with 30$ over the counter software. And heck that's the military.
I've only paid for one app so far, weather widgets donate, think it was $1.50 plus tax. My credit card was charged an additional $1 by google, does anyone know why?
i got a wal mart visa just for droid since apps cannot be billed, have many apps with no probs, then i got one or 2 from UK, (still trying to find out wich one it is), then all of a sudden i notice 99 cents i didnt charge, once or twice, then all of a sudden 29.94, 30 bux, another 30 bux, gone from random places and websites in UK, this is no joke i will provide any help/proof needed, no slander of google or market here , people just need to be aware this happened, bc it mocked app prices for a month before i caught on , check your statements!!:icon_evil:
i got a wal mart visa just for droid since apps cannot be billed, have many apps with no probs, then i got one or 2 from UK, (still trying to find out wich one it is), then all of a sudden i notice 99 cents i didnt charge, once or twice, then all of a sudden 29.94, 30 bux, another 30 bux, gone from random places and websites in UK, this is no joke i will provide any help/proof needed, no slander of google or market here , people just need to be aware this happened, bc it mocked app prices for a month before i caught on , check your statements!!:icon_evil:
Where any apps bought off the market or was this card used for transactions for any other purposes outside of google checkout? For example any charge at any other website?