Lookin to get my first credit card, get offers all the time, but never actually got one. What credit card company provides the service where it generates a number for each transaction?
Most major credit cards do. Paypal does as well.
Lookin to get my first credit card, get offers all the time, but never actually got one. What credit card company provides the service where it generates a number for each transaction?
On another note, I did notice that the Beautiful Widgets app keeps charging me .99 in british money every once in a while and I noticed that it corresponds with each update, so I'd advise anyone/everyone who purchases anything and gets updates, to make sure they are not being charged over and over per updates.
HEY: Please tell us what apps / what companies, so we can be aware of this.
Also, I am a merchant account holder. IF you file a dispute for a charge within 90 days, the charge will be immediately reversed until the merchant is able to prove the request and delivery of the product and/or service. After 90 days, you are screwed.
You may have to jump though a few hoops, like your bank may request that you call the merchant and request a refund first, but if it is within 90 days, an you have a USA bank Visa/MC/DISC/AMEX, you are totally covered, and will get all your $ back.
PS: Many banks will also try to upsell you on "protection" from events like this: it's BS. By US law, you are covered, no matter what; it is their responsibility. "Don't drink the kool aid.
i got a wal mart visa just for droid since apps cannot be billed, have many apps with no probs, then i got one or 2 from UK, (still trying to find out wich one it is), then all of a sudden i notice 99 cents i didnt charge, once or twice, then all of a sudden 29.94, 30 bux, another 30 bux, gone from random places and websites in UK, this is no joke i will provide any help/proof needed, no slander of google or market here , people just need to be aware this happened, bc it mocked app prices for a month before i caught on , check your statements!!:icon_evil:
Thanks to the op for this thread. And i use a prepaid card for my purchases on the app market. And this should be a sticky for everyone, especially those new to smartphones and market purchases.