I'm a man. I love women. I can appreciate the beauty of the women posted in this thread.
However, I will not buy products from companies who would exploit the beauty of a human, be it female or male, to sell their crap.
You know it's weird - when I was a teenager I was into online gaming (Quakeworld mainly). My brother and I actually went to and participated in a few Xcon Quake tournaments (well I tagged along and joined in for fun - he was actually good). That stuff got real big with guys like Fatal1ty, and others, that really helped to commercialize it. The second it started gaining any traction, the sponsors all had [insert product here] Babes. Now, take a huge room full of computer nerds (as those made up the majority of gamers at the time), and throw in some *whatever* Babes, and it was almost sad watching these guys go absolutely gaga over these dolled up, fake women, who were there simply to get eyes looking at them and their product, and to play it up as if they enjoyed flirting with these guys.
All of that to say, unfortunately, sex sells in our society - and most companies will exploit that if they know enough of their audience is made up of males (because, in case you didn't know, we're all irresponsible bumbling idiots who do nothing but sit around and want sex all day - at least that's what our culture tells us).
I'm pretty sure HTC and Samsung have both done similar things when introducing new items at events like this, where there are sections, or booths, or whatever - I would assume Moto as well but have never seen it. They might dress 'em up a
bit classier, but the concept is the same.
Goodness, sorry - *steps off soapbox*. Sorry dg - didn't meant to completely derail this thread - I thought given the subject matter and the fact that we have women on the forum warranted a little note to make sure people didn't say anything too tacky... that was my initial intention anyway... lol