They will support the moto phones and the bionic too... EVERYONE is just waiting for the unlocking of the bootloader -whether that comes with motos official method like HTC does or by an "unofficial" leak of the security code encryption key. I am sure that a lot of moto's delay has been in the Google's code and android 4.0's integration to a phone. Remember it will do absolutely nothing for our phones to have ics based roms if the integration of the radio makes our connections more unstable than they are currently for a lot of people.....
Sent from my bionic using my fingers...
Have you looked at the list of devices with physical builds by CM on router website? They have exactly 6 moto phones. 3 are Verizon ones. The Moto Droid, the Droid 2, and the Droid X. that doesn't look very promising.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5