Got off the phone with the verizon warranty center. they didn't say anything about it being a "known issue" like my local VZW store did and they are shipping me a new phone. If you decide to go that route be advised they will probably want you to do the following.
1. hard reset
2. format your micro sd card
When i got on the phone with them I told them that I did the reset, formatted the sd card and didnt install any apps and she basically told me that I had finished their troubleshooting list before it started. A couple of days after the replacement I'll let you know how its going.
Please read my post about 3 up from here. This is a very easy situation to correct and there is no need to replace your phone. If the factory reset does not fix the problem then reformatting your sd card will.
Why take a chance on getting a crappy refurb when it's a very simple thing to fix? I don't understand why people want to make things so complicated.
Please read my post about 3 up from here. This is a very easy situation to correct and there is no need to replace your phone. If the factory reset does not fix the problem then reformatting your sd card will.
Why take a chance on getting a crappy refurb when it's a very simple thing to fix? I don't understand why people want to make things so complicated.
Because it is NOT in fact a simple thing to fix. MANY people have tried your "solution" and it still randomly reboots. I have tried every suggestion I have found on the internet and it STILL reboots constantly. I even went and bought a new SD card , formatted it and it still has the issue. This is a FIRMWARE or OS Issue that happens to actually BE complicated. Just because it worked for you does NOT in fact mean it will work for everyone.
I will be bringing the phone back to VZ and having them swap it out and I will DEMAND a NEW phone not a refurb, I have only had this thing for a week. If THAT does not work I will be moving on to a different phone all together, no I will never own an iAnything.
Please read my post about 3 up from here. This is a very easy situation to correct and there is no need to replace your phone. If the factory reset does not fix the problem then reformatting your sd card will.
Why take a chance on getting a crappy refurb when it's a very simple thing to fix? I don't understand why people want to make things so complicated.
Because it is NOT in fact a simple thing to fix. MANY people have tried your "solution" and it still randomly reboots. I have tried every suggestion I have found on the internet and it STILL reboots constantly. I even went and bought a new SD card , formatted it and it still has the issue. This is a FIRMWARE or OS Issue that happens to actually BE complicated. Just because it worked for you does NOT in fact mean it will work for everyone.
Correct, and what sucks is that this problem has been present for several versions of the OS, and effects more than just the DX. If the issue is the SD card getting corrupted and causing the reboot, then there is something in the OS itself that is *causing* that corruption...
I experienced quite a few issues with FCs earlier this year, I attributed that to LPP acting screwy, so I removed it and have been using Go Launcher EX ever since. Up until recently, it's been fine.
I am getting these random reboots. At first, I wasn't clear what was even happening. I will finish a phone call, or send a text, or just be messing around with one of my apps, and the phone will freeze. It won't go back to my home screen, I can't turn the screen off. Nothing.
Sometimes it reboots by itself when this happens, altho that's rare! More often than not, I have to pull the battery to "unfreeze it" and start over (NOT an easy task with a phone case on).
A few times, I've just put it down and after awhile (a couple minutes of a frozen screen), it will suddenly spring to life and flip back and forth between the screens and the app drawer, mimicking the hard buttons I had pressed when the phone froze initially.
This has me really worried. It's just so SUDDEN. I've been on the 2.2.1 update since it became available. I am rooted, running fission 2.6.1. I am not, nor have I ever been, overclocked. Besides the Go Launcher, some widgets, and very basic apps, my phone is pretty straightforward. It isn't loaded up with a bunch of stuff. I have frozen some bloat, but not removed.
I've been dealing with the issue best I can. I just finished my degree so I will finally have a little bit more time to try and diagnose the problem. Probably will start with doing a full reset. I want to avoid a CLNR if possible.