Conoco gets to tell you exactly what blend of gasoline you can put in your car. Within the parameters of certain regulations.
Verizon certainly has a prerogative ipso facto to control the content they serve over their service.
The question is, to what degree will we tolerate filtering, and at what point will we use government coercion (regulation) to force Verizon to conform to our expectations?
NOTE: To be clear, I'm all for government regulation to compel Verizon to back the hell off.
The "inverted free speech" argument can be obviated relatively easy by Congress; it's "only" a matter of how far they (we) are willing to go regarding the classification of Verizon in particular or ISPs in general.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse typos.
Impressive... sounds like we have a law student/career/educator posting. I could enjoy having you around! :hail: