Carbon Fiber MIKRADLE!
You have me ROTF! :rofl3: Thanks for the Monday Pick-Me-Up!
I'll give you $150 for it. Seriously. $75 up front, $75 when it ships.
Mike - I may take you up on that offer! I've been wanting to build a CF
MIKRADLE for quite some time now, but held off pending the release of the Carbon Cases. I felt it would compliment those well! I did purchase some of the CF Vinyl discussed elsewhere, but decided it was not viable since it’s just an imitation, and as such would not be able to command a selling price high enough to justify the expense of the labor involved to manufacture this particular model.
My thoughts are to make a Carbon Fiber
MIKRADLE as kind of a forum project, with pictures and videos of the progress from start to finish. I wanted to get input and observations from members with each posting I place - sort of like the Carbon Case thread. Obviously this would not be a money maker (at least not making one at a time), no more than making a
MIKRADLE one at a time (it averages about two hours to make one
MIKRADLE). I've invested a lot of time into jigs, templates and proprietary carbide cutters on my machinery to facilitate kind of an "assembly line" manufacture of these, meanwhile still retaining that "handmade" touch to the procedure. And the finish I apply is definitely the bottleneck on time - at least 20 minutes to a half hour hand rubbing each
MIKRADLE between coats of catalyzed lacquer (7-9 coats are applied). My employees (with me for more than two decades) are very good at this, and of course I spend a lot of time myself on all the custom models I build (3-5 per day).
CF would be an exciting venture for me - I've been itching to do this! The Carbon Case thread has held me back given the issues they have encountered. I respect both Chris and Mark a lot, but for myself - I would never have initiated purchases (deposits) before making at least 1-2 prototypes prior to getting into production. In retrospect, their experience has probably led them to this conclusion also. But you have to give them a lot of credit for the way they have weathered all the comments and sarcasm they've encountered! Through it all they persevered and ultimately I'm sure they will succeed. Perhaps lose a lot of hair in the process though! As a custom manufacturer myself, I'm pulling for them, that's for sure!
Meanwhile - I am working on a Corian
MIKRADLE DuPont Surfaces Products: Distinctive. Advanced. Beautiful., I'll be posting pix on this within a week. I think you will like this one also! Not sure of the feasibility of marketing it - the expense (like CF) may price it too high to be economically salable.
But yes - I say we move ahead on the first Carbon Fiber
