Well, I've posted this before, but I've received some questions today relative to the magnet needed for Multimedia Mode on Droid stands. I will not now nor ever answer specific questions about the products of other manufacturers or distributors, I can only relay what I do here for
MIKRADLE, and my experiences that led to the success of my own product - the
MIKRADLE. I do reference the size of the Motorola Dock magnet - which is perfect for the specific purpose they designed their dock for. My product was designed to be more accommodating relative to covers and cases. So I ask that readers please send me queries only about
MIKRADLE, I have no first hand knowledge of other similar products.
So - I'll re-post it here again to save others from reading back through the thread.
I quote (again):
Update Statement for potential buyers:
Given the issues that can be had with magnets (sources, placement, size and quality), I would like to point out that all
MIKRADLES have been physically tested with
almost EVERY case available, and to date it works magnificently with all. No need to slide left or right to induce the Multimedia Mode, nor make adjustments in any way, shape or form due to the different sizes of covers. Thickness is totally irrelevant also - when I proudly claim that
DOES", I mean that in every positive respect!
I thrashed this design around for weeks and weeks, fabricating several prototypes, cutting, sizing, changing both the design and structure over and over. It was important to take into consideration all variables, including the size, strength and placement of the magnet. I found all magnets are NOT created equal, and did not try to lower my standards with sub-par magnets. Motorola does supply a different sized magnet with their dock. But this is because it was specifically designed for use without a cover and for a Droid that would be "locked" into a precise position. It is not the one I needed for my planned purpose - to accommodate a Droid clad with a protective cover. With the magnet supplied - my
MIKRADLE works. Flawlessly. No
"ifs, ands or buts" about it! I did my homework well before releasing this design. No fear that you will have any adverse effects with your Droid. I measured the minimal and maximum exposure possible with magnets, and when production started - I knew exactly which was the optimum for the proper use in
I'd also like to add that I am also accommodating the Motorola cases that utilize the snap fixture on the back of the case for ease of switching from belt clip to car mount. I offer a modified model (at no extra cost) that has provisions for the snap that protrudes out the back of the case cover - enabling owners to leave their "snap" cases on when placed on the
MIKRADLE. Should any owner purchase this Motorola cover after receiving their
MIKRADLE, all they have to do is ship it back to me and I will modify it or exchange it (for free) and ship it back (at my cost) to you! Again - NO NEED REMOVE ANY COVER with my product!
It can't be more simple than this - casually place your Droid (covered or naked) onto the
MIKRADLE. Multimedia
will appear.
No spacers.
No shifting left a 1/4".
No shifting right a 1/4".
No pads beneath the phone. Just SET IT ON THE
MIKRADLE. You will see for yourself -
Click on each photo to enlarge
I am very proud of all the above compliments - more so those that commend my service, and will continue to strive for the highest standard in supplying the best service available for my products! For any reader that has ever dealt with any service related position - they will understand the commitment and dedication that allows for this gesture of a service oriented goal. This was the driving decision also to now include the
FREE High Quality 6' MicroUSB Gold Plated Cable! When my customers speak - I listen!
Thank you.