Hey, what a novel concept, a group hug Bionic thread. Great idea, as was posted earlier, you tend to see a lot of negativity when a new phone comes out. The Bionic has even more negativity now that we are in the stage where there is always a newer and better phone on the horizon. Back when the D1 hit, there were bucketloads of threads where folks were trying to understand, sort and deal with some issues. But the tenor was way different, as most of us had the phone, and had very few alternative choices. We HAD to muck and muddle through the growing pains. Now, folks get a little pain, and back the phone goes, along with a negative thread. I have no problem with this, as this is a reasonably costly adventure, and folks have the right to nit and pick and spend their money as they see fit. Me, I am digging my Bionic.....