Sanjay said that the Bionic was coming in the 2nd Q and we all know what happened with that. The Dinara I heard is going to AT&T wnrussall said that. So the only Motorola that will be coming to Verizon is Droid HD. Nobodies clear on that release still speculation. I hope for your sake that you are right I hate to put you on a suicide watch!!!.
yeah, i guess i should have been clearer... i know the Dinara is going to at&t, but my point was in the timing of release - if Dinara is coming out in the spring, and it's "months after" the HD, then that would suggest that the HD is coming in the next few months. couple that with Sanjay's statement, and i think most indicators are for release before end of the year. if it doesn't happen, then there's always the Prime. and if not the Prime, i'm sure i'll be able to pick up the Bionic pretty cheap by then.
no need for a suicide watch if it doesn't come out before the end of the year. Sanjay may need a protection detail assigned to him, but no suicide watch for me....

i'm still willing to bet we'll know a lot more about the HD in 2-3 weeks - after the Bionic is released, and the GS2/Vigor are announced/released. it seems that rumors of upcoming devices magically pick up in conjunction with competitors' phones being announced.