Why I'm going smart
I do like my Cosmos Touch, but I have decided to give in and get a smart phone so that I can web surf while at work and not use my work PC. I want to do some stock trading. Otherwise I'd keep the Cosmos.
I will miss my dumb phone because I can use it without even looking at it. I can return the last call, answer calls, or do voice dialing by feel. That's handy while driving.
I had a Cosmos. It was the worst phone I've ever had...
I was playing beach volleyball yesterday and put my Razr on a picnic table. Someone hit the ball 30+ feet in the air and it came down right on my screen and made it fly off the table onto the ground. I dont have a mark on it.
I do like my Cosmos Touch, but I have decided to give in and get a smart phone so that I can web surf while at work and not use my work PC. I want to do some stock trading. Otherwise I'd keep the Cosmos.
I will miss my dumb phone because I can use it without even looking at it. I can return the last call, answer calls, or do voice dialing by feel. That's handy while driving.