Don't forget to make an introduction thread!

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Hi All -

New to the Motorola Droid and smart phones. My husband and I just bought them this past weekend. We are having a great time exploring and learning about the phone. I hope to learn lots here.
Got my droid a few weeks ago, it rules!!! What else is there to say.
Android Rules!!

Hey guys,

New to the forum. Had a rooted G1 on T-mobile but couldn't stand the lack of 3G coverage in my area. Got a Motorola Droid heading my way via wirefly and can't wait. I am looking forward to the GPS navigation since I am always on the road.

The forum rocks, keep up the good work!!

This is the most craziest phone I've ever owned. The world is getting very tech for me latey...I'm a moron to this stuff kinda
Aguaazul saying Hi!

Hi Y'all. I've had 4 Blackberries... making a big jump to the Droid.

I am an IT admin and this think works great with my exchange server...

Thanks for being here!


Bluewater (Aguaazul)
Owner/CEO of small business web development firm, Blackberry lover, BB Storm hater, new Droid user. After debating for a long time I went with the Droid for an upgrade. I have 30 days before it becomes permanent if I want to send it back and go with the safer Blackberry Tour.
Hi. I am cookiemomster. I have had my Droid since the second day out. I absolutely love it and think it is the best phone I have ever had. I wouldn't consider anything else.
Name: Cy-Fi
Occupation: Dj, Performance Artist, Alternative Model
President of Umbrella Productions LLC

Myself and my partner both got the new droid phones and they are extremely useful for our line of work. He purchased ours while I was away performing in Canada so I didn't get to play with mine till 12/02.
I love the social networking link ups and how easy it is to update info and access different sites, especially since the phone works great with the minor sites that don't have mobile capabilities.
This is the first phone I've ever purchased that did anything more than make calls, take pics, and message. Before the droid I found the net phones to be a bit of a waste of time & money...not to mention difficult to use - blackberrys for example have an awkward keyboard.
Every one told me that the phone would be hard to use, I've had mine for about two weeks now and have pretty much everything figured out.
I don't like is how expensive Verizon is...paying out near $200 a month for cell phone service is a bit ridiculous...they REALLY need a family data plan. Luckily the phone is cool enough to make the plan pricing a little less painful

Love the phone design, it fits perfectly with my image...very cyber goth...lulz
Can't wait to figure out how it works as a Midi controller....Djing live off a Droid sounds pretty fun ;)
Well I am from Kansas and am new to the smartphones and to the internet. I haven't had internet since 1999. I only had it for a couple of years. So forgive any stupid questions I might ask PLEASE?
Hey everyone - Newbie from Omaha. I've had the Droid for a few weeks now. I love it, but I don't think I'm using it to its full potential yet. Here to find tips, tricks, and new ways to utilize this sweetass phone.
Considering switching

Hello, I currently have a Palm Centro that I am completely in love with; but considering making the switch to the Droid because it seems way to kewl. I use my Centro a lot to help keep on task: notes, calendar, reminders and notes alarms and are important and of course texting.

I am sooo unsure. I've played around a little with one, but the one big thing giving me hesitation is the virtual keyboard. I can't always open to keyboard to type/text.

So for now, I'll listen and learn, and then decide.
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I have my BB Tour for sale on Craigs List/Orange County CA. I used it 6 mos (Verizon). I'm liking the Droid better. I used the Pearl first. Thought I'd never leave BB. Pics are online or contact me at 714-699-4462 if you have questions. (I have the orig box and all that goes with it including a leather clip-on case.) There are pics.
4 day droider (or droidette??)

OK--I missed this at first. Read lots yesterday in the forums & FAQs. Got my Motorola Droid 12/10/09. Had been reading about it & Blackberry for about 5-6 weeks, trying to decide. Last phone was Motorola V9m/Razor 2--had a HORRIBLE time with it. Verizon replaced the phone 6 times. So I was gun shy about getting this Motorola, but really wanted a key board. So here I am. I am also a Mac person, and expect all of my technology to work all of the time. Another reason I wanted the Google platform--seems more intuitive & closer to what I know. I needed to upgrade to a 'smart' phone for work use since I am traveling more & more. So, I fell in love with my droid over the weekend; spent most of my time with it. Then, last night--my 1st actual problem: called a restaurant from home to order dinner. She could not hear me. Disconnected the Droid & looked at screen--it showed no bars of Verizon signal. I sort of blew it off. Then, this morning, driving to my first appointment; my Droid dropped 2 calls in a row, right together. I am in Atlanta--no dead spots here, and certainly not where I was. Even the tech support person said that!
Now I am really scared of a repeat like my V9m. Already went to Verizon store--they called Tech Support for me. Now I have trouble ticket out there in service land, waiting to hear back if there was some problem with the network, or just my phone. I came to the Droid forums tonight, looking to see if anybody else has reported this. Haven't seen any post about this.
I'm not looking for an answer here--just introducing myself & venting a little.
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