Don't forget to make an introduction thread!

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Hello everyone,

Just wanted to stop in and introduce myself.

My name is Kevin, I am with Verizon, DUH! I have the DROID...

I had the BlackBerry Storm 2 and (as I've stated many times before) I have wondered if there was life after BlackBerry.

Here is my story:

My ship set sail many years ago, I sailed with windows for a while and then for some reason that ship sank. After floating for several months this cruise ship called BlackBerry headed my way. I was rescued... YAY!!!

I sailed with them for many years, five (5) to be exact. I thought that was the best thing since they invented the tire.

After being around BlackBerry and her crew for that long I was kind of brain washed into thinking that that was the way of life. You know, sitting on the side of the ship painting (BBM), scraping barnacles (push email) and such. I was set in my ways and very happy.

Well, one day the ship docked and we went ashore... OMG!!

I saw something, it was on the other side of the docks. "What is that" I asked myself. Well, as you know, we like to explore. I went and looked. "What in the world is this" I asked myself again.

I was mesmorized, really. I can't believe I sailed for 5 years on that ship (of course I had no choice, I was floating.)

I saw this new ship sitting at the dock and it kept calling me... "Kevin, Kevin, come here." I couldn't believe it.

Is this what I have been searching for... I saw that my ship "BlackBerry" was loading up from shore, I ran and hid. I knew I couldn't go back, there was just no way. Yes, there was a tear as I watched my ship sailing away, but, but, it wasn't a tear of sadness. I found her, my NEW ship...

DROID... OMG!!! I can't believe it. I thought I had everything, I really did. I found my new ship, and you know what, they said I didn't have to paint or scrape anymore. They said I could go and do as I pleased (Market, Home++, GDE, etc, etc)

I am now sailing with the Motorola DROID. This is the BEST phone I have found yet. (had the iPhone, didn't like it. Notice the first word there... "had")

So, here I am, here with you, sailing new seas, with lot's on the horizon. I hope to explore and learn all I can. To be as good with my DROID as I was with my BlackBerry.

So, to answer that question above: YES! There is life after BlackBerry. It is called... DROID!

Hey! Long time Blackberry user, switched to Eris! Love the Change!
First time smart phone user. Taking a leap up from the Razor. Seen some features in the Droid that will aide me in my hobby/game. So I picked one up and now I'm hooked.
Hi, newbie to Motorola and to :greendroid:! I bought my Milestone here in Brazil, just waiting for it to get in my home (probably just in the new year :icon_ cry:), but I decided to buy it with some opinions read here. Can't wait to use it! :icon_ banana:
A new Droid user in the club..have had for a month and am still learning all the features and potential possibilities this unit has to offer...I think this purchase was a good decision.
As my sig implies , I love Linux and couldn't wait to get a Linux powered Phone , thanks Google and Motorola .
Have used Linux for the last ten years and have seen some great advances in it's ability , now if only Google will take on Micro$oft in the home PC market .
New guy

Hello all,

I'm glad to have come across this website. I currently own a storm 2 which i bought about 2 weeks ago. Now I'm having second thoughts about it and looking into a droid. I miss the physical keyboard and the droid seems to respond much faster and smoother than the storm. I'm still within my 30 day window so I decided to join this forum and read up on the droid. I think I may just exchange my storm 2 for the droid. Any thoughts? Thanks
Aloha, New member here. Love this site and I'm a new owner to the DRIOD. I came from the BB curve. So it's my first touch screen ever. I know i'll need some help so I joined to see what's out there for the driod.

Thanks Again.
Hi everyone,

A new smartphone user, upgraded from a stoneage phone. Now my phone is smarter than I am! Working to learn the capabilities and use my new Droid has and can get me organized!
Hello, new here

I just got the droid as an early Christmas gift on December 12th. It was right before an extended road trip across the country, and I admit a very helpful and handy phone to have for such a trip. (Google maps, the games, Pandora, etc.)

I have had some issues...
the facebook app is not working... which doesn't bother me that much but I can't seem to uninstall to re-install it.
there have been times (just today only) when people call and the phone will just continue ringing even though they already left a message. (the force stop/close message comes up.)
some of the games force close.

Some of the apps (browser, facebook) have double icons on the screen and I don't know how I did that or how to fix it... again still learning. Just some things I have noticed.

This is my first high-tech fancy phone... I have never even owned a blackberry!... I am patient and open to learning so... very happy with the droid even with the little glitches!:)
What's good droid fam..

I've had my droid since day 1 but I'm just now gettin around to this forum. Looking forward to helping others and being helped on this site. Oh and btw I got google voice invites. I will trade for google wave or just give invites away for free (depends on how I'm feelin that day haha).
Some of the apps (browser, facebook) have double icons on the screen and I don't know how I did that or how to fix it... again still learning. Just some things I have noticed.

You can longpress and drag icons to the trash can to delete menu icons. The grey menu button turns into a trash icon when you select an icon for more than 1 second. Don't know if that's what you meant but it should work.

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Ok been going thru this website quite frequently and I seen this on the active topic list haven't seen it there before... well I have had my droid about a month now, been able to find some good apps for it and figure out a lot more about this phone. Lookin forward to any new stuff thay comes up...

Long time crackberry user, but will never go back. Droid rules!
Hi everyone... my name is kelly and this is my first droid phone... I have had it for 2day and I'm still trying to figure it out... for some reason my contact list has disappeared but when someone calls or texts me it shows their name... I'm so confused... I had the storm 2 for about 2wks till I decided to return it for this... I've had many blackberrys from the storm to pearl to curve to storm 2 and now I finally have this phone... hopefully it works for me and I stay in love with it... someone please help me fix my contacts bc that's my only complaint so far...
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