I have been holding out for too long and finally gave in and decided to pay the data package fees at Verizon to have a smartphone! :icon_ deal:
I am leaving an LG Dare and my wife an ENV Touch.
Against a few friends who insisted I buy an iPhone, I just ordered a Droid X (Is that a DX?) for myself and a Droid Pro for the wife from wirefly.com.
They should be here this week sometime and I am real excited!
I also ordered an Otterbox Defender case and two car chargers........the wife isn't sure what case she wants yet........probably something pink!
I don't think I want to mess with rooting, from what I can't understand about it and mainly want to learn the ins and outs to these phones and how they work.Trying to learn the terminology and I have already read several threads regarding getting started and tips and tricks to longer battery life.