I have a Koenisegg Agera R modded up to Level 7 almost max. I did the tune before reading this post. I'm ready to move up to Level 8. I have $2m plus the car. Do I continue to mod this one or sell it and buy a Level 8 car that's already almost maxed at level 8? The two at stock level are slower than my slightly modded Koenisegg.
I run alot of 1/4 mile. I'm coming in about 8.73 best. Slightly tweeked under the "tune".
Thanks for any help.
I am 5/5/2/4/5/5 with my upgrades. no tune. and I am running a consistent 8.1 with it.. Not sure how you are only get 8.7. even a couple engine upgrades ago I was running an 8.23