Yes tried liberty...
Sensors didn't work and went back after a week.
Sorry but I like EVERYTHING to work...
As for my opinion if Mike has the right to state his regarding Ang then I have just as much right to state mine about Mike!
Of is he some priviledged individual that has a right to ***** about anyone and demand updates on his schedule!
Like I said you want a LESS functional phone be my guest!
I don't see the point in flashing a rom that does LESS than stock just because it has a few more config options I will access once and never touch again once the phone is the way I want it!
If you like a less than 100% functional phone thats really your business.
But don't try and tell me that breaking a feature of the phone is better than keeping the one ROM that works 100%
To each his own!
I just will state my opinion as freely as you feel you should state yours regarding the guy who has a fully functional ROM but doesn't update as often as the UNFUNCTIONAL one.
Maybe because it isn't broke so no need to fix it!
Sensors didn't work and went back after a week.
Sorry but I like EVERYTHING to work...
As for my opinion if Mike has the right to state his regarding Ang then I have just as much right to state mine about Mike!
Of is he some priviledged individual that has a right to ***** about anyone and demand updates on his schedule!
Like I said you want a LESS functional phone be my guest!
I don't see the point in flashing a rom that does LESS than stock just because it has a few more config options I will access once and never touch again once the phone is the way I want it!
If you like a less than 100% functional phone thats really your business.
But don't try and tell me that breaking a feature of the phone is better than keeping the one ROM that works 100%
To each his own!
I just will state my opinion as freely as you feel you should state yours regarding the guy who has a fully functional ROM but doesn't update as often as the UNFUNCTIONAL one.
Maybe because it isn't broke so no need to fix it!