Great discussion, guys. I know it is a healthy forum when people air perfectly legitimate grievances with a situation, and then get verbally attacked and called names by others for openly sharing their thoughts.
Fact #1: Angdroid is a great developer who has done a lot for the Droid community.
Fact #2: Angdroid has not been completely honest about his progress with the D2G ROM, leading to longer than anticipated wait times brought on by his own statements.
Is there really any disputing these facts? I, for one, would not be "whining" about this if the ROM update had not been promised, but not delivered, 3 times. If Angdroid had said nothing, but just kept plugging away at it, there would be no unrest. It is okay to feel lied to, and it is okay to discuss it. Now please stop being so rude. If you are content to wait and say nothing, that is wonderful. But it doesn't mean everyone else has to just shut up.
And is calling Ang a liar going to make him post an update faster? or Slower?
The developers who make these ROMs donate hours and hours of their life to make them. They share their work because people like to GIVE things to others. But if those others don't seem to like HOW and WHEN they get their gift or don't show appreciation of that gift, do you really expect the giver to keep on giving to them?
As stated by others the D2G is a daunting task to make ROMs for because it has a dual band radio, is newer and is unlike any other model (save the droid2 Pro). The Locked bootloader has been a major stumbling block in getting other Roms to port to us. Cyanogen group has stated time and again that because of the locked bootloader we can't expect a cyangen port anytime soon to the D2G.
Fission is basically a Motorola rom with some pieces changed in /system. Most other ROMS you see are AOSP or based on it which means they can simply flash a new kernel for the newer model phones that come out, and all of their other /system code will then work. Notice how quickly the HTC ROMs seem to come out. No bootloader lock!
bottomline though is If someone came to you and said hey I'm going to try and give you $20 every month but then misses a month should you complain you didn't get your FREE GIFT? Or should you say well maybe I will get my free gift next month and just be happy that the guy didn't call the whole thing off and say OH sorry folks not making D2G roms anymore see ya!
You give things away to feel appreciated, once you stop appreciating them they tend to say you know what I'm not getting what I was hoping to get from doing this nice act! I guess I'll stop!
Sure it is frustrating that there is only one custom rom (two in you include the blurless Hexor rom) for our phone.
The reasons for that have been stated.
If you would rather be part of the solution instead of part of the problem head on over to the Get R Done thread and help them work out their sensor issues with the Romer patch so then you can flash not only Fission but Liberty and Gummy as well!
Because if they manage to get that patch perfected then we will have a choice of plenty of roms to flash, possibly including Cyanogen's as well once the files neede to run everything on a very distinct piece of harware have been identified!
And I am sorry for taking some users to task but I do find it a bit rediculous to complain about someone else not giving an effort when the person complaining isn't giving even half the effort of the person they are complaining about!
Thats all I'm going to say on this subject again.