Some of you are missing the point. FREE! OH AND DID HE MENTION FREE!!! The poor Guy wanted to know between the 2 phones, not about the razr just the two,, that being said in all my sarcastic glory, I'm using an x2 and if someone offerd me a free Bionic id be all over it, and I love the x line of phones, btw FREE!!! FREE!!! is my favorite flavor.
Sent from my couch in my living room in the city of the state I live in.
Yea...thats why I never mentioned the RAZR, even tho I have And at this point in time...I wouldnt even recommend it. I would recommend the Maxx just for that massive battery. I just know the performance difference between my DX1 and RAZR was nice enough to say the RAZR was a decent upgrade. The Bionic is basically the same phone so performance wise it should be similar to the RAZR.