Also, that reps info is already outdated... They are getting rid of the $15: 150 mb plan. So I guess I wouldn't put much stock in anything she said... Lol.
(from Beka's DX)
interesting. has there been a recent announcement to this effect or is this still rumor? perhaps one could opt in for $15 and then get grandfathered in, lolI wonder if one could survive with an X with only 150MB of data!
I am due now for my upgrade with Verizon. I am very impatient and want a new phone now. The Droid X looks nice, but the Droid Bionic looks ridiculous. My question is, should I fold and get the decent-looking X now or endure the long painful wait (no official word, but I've heard April and even later than that!?!) 'til the Bionic launches?
Really the only other thing that could affect my decision is Verizon's data plans.....I'm sure they will cap them eventually and I really would like to upgrade before they do so I can get grandfathered into the unlimited data plan.
So, thoughts? Surely somebody has thought of something that I have not.....
So I was in the same boat man and I caved! I'm glad I did though because this DX is amazing! I looked at the videos of how fast the Bionic was running and it just didn't look like a big performance gap. I'm also not a gamer on my phone so that didn't play a part in my decision. Also its going to be a while until I have 4G in Albuquerque NM so I really wouldn't benefit from a 4G device right away. If the Bionic ends up being that much better I will just bite the bullet I guess and buy one, but this DX halls ass I got alot going on with this device.
Wolfpack - What all can/do you do with your Droid X? Also, I'm now considering the HTC Thunderbolt, as it seems that is going to launch sooner than the Bionic... Another question I have is whether Verizon will make you get a 4g data plan if you get a 4g phone even if you don't have 4g service in your area (which I don't now, and probably won't for a while). How long have you had the Droid X and what would you say are the biggest drawbacks/disappointments you've noticed with the X so far?
So maybe for me, it really comes down to the Droid X vs. HTC Thunderbolt instead of X vs. Bionic.......
Do u want to pay $200 over the life of your phone for LTE service that u may not use?
After living with the Droid X for the past week and a half and moving up from Droid 1, which started having some issues, I highly recommend going for the Droid X NOW...the speed is fantastic, the 4.3 inch screen is great, and, no, it's NOT all that BIG feeling...don't worry about reports that it's TOO's just right...especially for web browsing and kindle. I wouldn't want anything smaller now. GO for the X....I find it PLENTY fast enough with the 1GB processor. 4G will be nice, but, really, just HOW MUCH speed do you need. X is plenty fast! I LOVE the X....right now, it's the ultimate 3G smartphone!