I've own my DX since the day it released on Big Red. For me, the hardest thing to adjust to coming from a BlackBerry Tour was of course the size of this beast. The overall size of the DX turned a lot of people off and made me nervous if I made the right choice to get the DX over the DI which was at that time on a back order.
After a few days of use, I did notice the battery life issue that was mentioned by others already but I found it to be along the same lines as other phones I've had including WinMo and BlackBerry based devices. And after one problem with my device which was related to SMS, my DX has been running great.
This is by far the best mobile device I've used to date both for personal use and work use. Yes, it isn't the device for everyone but then again I feel there will never be a device that fits the wants and needs of everyone looking for a device. I think the guy that wrote the article may or may not have been making a snap judgment of the device, maybe there are some reasons he hasn't talked about in the article but either way, I don't think the DX is as bad as he tries to make it out to be. The device is a good device for a lot of people and so if one guy trashes the device so be it, I think there are plenty of us out here that really like the device. The recent update to Froyo only added to the power of the DX and I think it will be interesting to see what Motorola has planned next after the D2Pro.
After a few days of use, I did notice the battery life issue that was mentioned by others already but I found it to be along the same lines as other phones I've had including WinMo and BlackBerry based devices. And after one problem with my device which was related to SMS, my DX has been running great.
This is by far the best mobile device I've used to date both for personal use and work use. Yes, it isn't the device for everyone but then again I feel there will never be a device that fits the wants and needs of everyone looking for a device. I think the guy that wrote the article may or may not have been making a snap judgment of the device, maybe there are some reasons he hasn't talked about in the article but either way, I don't think the DX is as bad as he tries to make it out to be. The device is a good device for a lot of people and so if one guy trashes the device so be it, I think there are plenty of us out here that really like the device. The recent update to Froyo only added to the power of the DX and I think it will be interesting to see what Motorola has planned next after the D2Pro.