Droid R2D2 shutting off, not booting up right away


New Member
Nov 5, 2010
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Hi everyone, I wish I was making my introduction to the forum under better circumstances, but I have a concern over my new Droid R2D2. I have owned it for a little over a week, and in that time I have experienced my R2D2 shutting itself off, and then become very difficult to boot back up. A typical scenario is that I reach to hit the top button to wake up the screen, and it might flicker and then go black or not respond at all. I then notice that the phone is not turned on and I hold the power button down until I see the bootup screen. This has happened maybe twice in a week's time prior to yesterday. Yesterday it happened twice in one day. Today, it has happened twice already and the second time I didn't know if it was going to come back on at all. I even took the battery out and put it back in, still no response for an additional number of minutes.

This phone is not rooted. I have some apps installed but no task killer, battery improve, etc. that would shut down applications. I have not done a factory reset yet, but I probably will. From what I have written though, does it sound like a software related issue or do I just have a lemon for a phone?

Any feedback would be appreciated
It could be a lemon, but I would do a factory reset before I take it back, Make sure to back up your contacts to gmail before you do so you dont have to worry about manually putting them back in if they dont all come back, instructions on doing this can be found in this forum. In my experience alot of reboot issues are caused by junk apps so if its doing it more frequently i would look at whats been installed lately. I hope you figure it out. Let us know.
I am having the same issue with my R2D2 Droid phone. :( I'll try a factory reset and see what happens.
This was actually reported a few times, and could be software related, there has not been a solution unfortunately.
Same issue

I am having the same issue. Just got the phone Tuesday and it does it a minimum of once a day. Doubt a factory reset will help seeing as the phone is brand new. Any ideas what is causing this? Should I go back to verizon?
the general thought is that it is a software issue.

given that it is, your only real solutions are:

1. Take back to verizon to get a new one (which likely will not be very effective since it is software based)

2. look into custom roms ( i am not entirely sure if there are any for the R2D2 yes, as i understand they are slightly different in the system and boot files)

3. live with it and wait for an OTA from verizon/moto.

kinda sucks. lol
I did a hard reset about a week ago, and haven't had the problem since. Although I'm afraid I'm speaking too soon... Sometimes the screen will go dead for about 30 seconds and I will press the power buttons several times before the lock screen comes back up. That fussy R2 unit!
I'm having the same issues atm, though it's only been happening after I rooted my R2 (two months old). And the symptoms are just restarts at the load screen (where R2 shows up). It's also a little inconsistent which doesn't really bother me as much, just a little inconvenient.
I knew as soon as I said I wasn't having any more issues with it- it would happen. and it just did. out of the blue, my R2D2 rebooted. WTF!?
So I got a replacement R2D2 phone and sent back my "old" one (it was less than a month old). Everything seemed fine with the new one- but then after about a week, it started doing the ol' reboot suddenly thing. It's happened about once a day or once every other day. I guess I'll just have to live with it... but I'm going to look into turning off the R2D2 sounds when it reboots, because having that suddenly happen in the middle of a meeting is just not good. kinda cute... for the star wars nerds in the room- but not cute otherwise.
This was happening to my D2, but I did a factory reset on Friday 12/17 and has not happened again.

It was happening atleast once every day or every other day since I got the phone in October.

Not sure if it will happen again but seems to do the trick for me in the past five days.
My R2 was having the same problem. I rooted and downloaded Jrummy's overclock app. Within the app he has extra features, including "fix permissions." Fixing the permissions seemed to get rid of the problem. Haven't had a random reboot in over two weeks.
Also it might be good to know that you don't need to be rooted to use the extras, only to overclock your phone.
this is an ongoing issue with the update that they released to the droid 2 bringing the version up to 2.3.20 a few months back. phone constantly hangs and then reboots itself 3-5 minuties later. vzw says do factory refresh (no guarantee to work) or wait for update, and theyve been saying that for months. its complete BS and there is no way to go back to the original firmware.