Why, so the Maxx is even better than it than the Razr?
Back on point though.....
What is the difference between Moto putting out another device and HTC putting out a better device?
Phones will constantly be improved so why does it matter who builds it? Whether the next phone is a Razr Maxx, an HTC Better Than Rezound or Galaxy S3, the next phone will be better than what we have right now. Just be happy that Moto is looking to improve their products, that's more than what some other companies are doing.
If you wait for the next big thing you'll never get a new phone. Besides, 6 months from now the Razr & Maxx, the Rezound and the GN will be old tech when compared to quad core chips, 2 GB of RAM, 16 MP cameras and better batteries than we have now.
Now, let's just hope that the next Nexus is a Moto and not a Samsung or HTC.
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