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Good bye Droid Razr maxx!


Hello all, I traded my RAZR Maxx for an Galaxy Nexus.. Here's my personal opinion so far on both phones.Might have been compared a thousand times before.. But I really thought I could never love another phone like I did the MAXx.. here goes.

Battery: Maxx>Nexus (no contest, my Nexus last for a good 7- 8 hrs with light to moderate use, with juice defender on! The Maxx last 20-24 hr with out smart action or JD with 4g on all day everyday!).

Screen: Maxx<Nexus (Loving the screen on my Nexus!.. that is all).

Camera: MaXx>Nexus (The RAZR has a slight, very slight.. and I do mean slight edge!)

OS: Max<Nexus (Hands down to the Nexus!!! I'm rooted and ROM with JB! ICS wasn't that great on the RAZR, GB was actually better!)

Okay, I have read the Nexus was terible with data cutting in and out when it first came out. I wouldn't have know, since I had the RAZR and Max during that time frame. I still believed the RAZR was one of the fastest, dependable, and stock smooth phone out there (on GB that is), rarely any hicups. For some reasons, its a lot easier to type on mobile sites on my Nexus, as of what im am doing right now. ;)

Never could of done this or type as much on the RAZR without yanking out my hair!!! To sum it up.. the RAZR Maxx is a great phone and requires less visit at the pit stop. The Nexus is like a women that is pregnant and needs to go to the restroom frequently! (I'm referring to battery life if I lost ya). I am happy with the trade so far, fortunately I have access to a charger/outlet on a daily. BTW.. Google now is awesome!! Again just my 2 cents is all. Thanks for reading.
I will post since I recently did the opposite.. I sold my Gnex to go back to a Motorola device...

Honestly the only thing i miss is the super-easy customization of the Gnex.. other than that I am so glad I went back to a Motorola device.. I have been multiple places already that my Gnex was always low to no signal (aka killing the battery).. and my Razr has done a much better (to no surprise) job holding a signal thus not just killing 30% of my battery in a couple hours of just "standby" time.. (and it wasn't a defective phone i had 3 over that span of 8 months all did the same thing)

Honestly other than the HD resolution of the nexus being slightly sharper I actually prefer the Razr screen between the two.

I never used the razr on GB so I can only speak for using it on ICS and it seems just as smooth as my nexus with custom ROMS, kernals, etc... Jelly Bean was nice but only real difference i noticed was the new Google Now/voice search stuff which to me is more of a novelty item (kinda like siri is on the iPhone..)

I actually feel like I can use the device for 20-30 mins at a time (games, facebook, internet, etc..) and not see the battery drop 20% or more... take that back I don't FEEL like I can.. I ACTUALLY can.. I am not trying to bash the Gnex, but the ONLY thing I miss is the ease of flashing roms, and stuff..
Awesome read! I travel a lot for work and was worried about connection and data issues, so far so good for me (cross fingers). After the OTA up for the RAZR to ICS, I had a lot of problems with GPS locking in or not locking in at all! Been impressed with the Nexus locking in fairly quick. Not as quick as with the GB Razr, that thing was crazy fast!!!:hail:

I'm a smart phone junky, I loved the RAZR and just wanted a working phone that just works with out rooting and romming. With little support to custom ROMs and stuff, I quess I kinda got bored and wanted to explore again..?? Lol
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most definitely... the Gnex is great for exploring and the thing and is for all intents and purposes impossible to brick.. which is funny b/c the first day I got my razr I almost bricked it:biggrin:

You will have fun (aka wasting hours of time:biggrin: ) exploring all the roms, kernels, etc..