Without reading every post, I can tell you the major selling point for me was the Droid's hardware keyboard. I do internal IT at my company and configure people's phones to receive email (out of courtesy) and I used to hate working with the iPhone or Blackberry Storm because I was terrible with the touchscreen keyboard given my first and only phone til the Droid was the Moto RAZR. I've gotten quite used to the Droid's onscreen keyboard, so much that I use it quite often and am much better with the iPhone because of it. However I can still say I'll likely not buy a phone anytime in the near future that doesn't have an option for a hardware keyboard.
Aside from that it's a tough pick if you ask me, especially when Nexus One and iPhone are on VZW as well.
The Droid in opinion is killer all around; nicely performing (big) touchscreen, the ability to handle the high end games, hardware keyboard, 16GB by default like the iPhone 3Gs, etc..
The Nexus one is slim, sleek, and apparently a little faster/snappier, with the aforementioned 2.1 by default and all the features that come with it.
The iPhone, like the Nexus One is also an eye charmer but also has the experience. By this I mean that even though I'm the furthest thing from an Apple fan, I can acknowledge that with having been out a lot longer and being an adapture from the iPod, a lot of it's quirks and limits have been found. For this reason it supposedly performs a little better, animation is snappier and smoother, and it has a TON of applications and games.
Don't think on it too hard though if you ask me; all three are incredible "phones" but the next best thing will come out of the woodwork before you know it to put them all out of commission.