I am having problems also since update overclock not working but it is still on the market on my phone I figure he knows about it and is gonna fix it be patient
I am having problems also since update overclock not working but it is still on the market on my phone I figure he knows about it and is gonna fix it be patient
Okay, I figured this out. It turns on I was on 2.3.320 software version. The official one is 2.3.340. Once I used the 2.3.340 SBF, it now shows in the market again and I was able to update.
I am beginning to think we are being ignored.
He isn't a professional programmer; he's a normal guy like the rest of us who just does this on the side. He could be getting ready for finals or something. It isn't his job to respond to every post made to every app and rom he has created.
On the side, I still can't get my profiles to work correctly, most notably Screen Off not deactivating and my phone getting stuck at 300 MHz until I manually adjust the slider. Any ideas?
Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
I am beginning to think we are being ignored.
He isn't a professional programmer; he's a normal guy like the rest of us who just does this on the side. He could be getting ready for finals or something. It isn't his job to respond to every post made to every app and rom he has created.
On the side, I still can't get my profiles to work correctly, most notably Screen Off not deactivating and my phone getting stuck at 300 MHz until I manually adjust the slider. Any ideas?
Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
I agree.... sometimes we are simply too busy to accommodate everyone. I will just be thankful when the problem gets resolved.... even if it doesn't... I can SBF or just live with it.
$(busybox find /data -name rtlite.sh) setprops density 240
I am having problems also since update overclock not working but it is still on the market on my phone I figure he knows about it and is gonna fix it be patient
Okay, I figured this out. It turns on I was on 2.3.320 software version. The official one is 2.3.340. Once I used the 2.3.340 SBF, it now shows in the market again and I was able to update.
I responded to you in your pm. +1 on normal guy stuff. I can't read every post on every thread I've created everyday while responding to about 20+ emails per day while going to school and working full time + being married. I am already tired just programming the thing.
He isn't a professional programmer; he's a normal guy like the rest of us who just does this on the side. He could be getting ready for finals or something. It isn't his job to respond to every post made to every app and rom he has created.
On the side, I still can't get my profiles to work correctly, most notably Screen Off not deactivating and my phone getting stuck at 300 MHz until I manually adjust the slider. Any ideas?
Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
I agree.... sometimes we are simply too busy to accommodate everyone. I will just be thankful when the problem gets resolved.... even if it doesn't... I can SBF or just live with it.
Not sure why you are having the lcd problem. Did you ever get an error message saying the app needed to be installed from the market (was a small bug w/ it).
If the app is installed this should also change your lcd desnisty:
in terminal emulator type:
Code:su $(busybox find /data -name rtlite.sh) setprops density 240 reboot
Still cant figure this out guys I got a droidx and a d2 both overclocked the d2 still works fine I downloaded the new update from moto this morning 2.2.340 or something its brandnew update ever since I did every time I open overclock it says didnt install module. because my phones not on the list but its suppoised to be Droidx I figure because of the new update Jared may have to reconfigure something I guess it still works but I cant adjust anything I dont know what anything is set at If thats the case I can wait for the update but if not then I gotta figure out whats wrong overclocking is one of the main reasons I rooted Thanks
Still cant figure this out guys I got a droidx and a d2 both overclocked the d2 still works fine I downloaded the new update from moto this morning 2.2.340 or something its brandnew update ever since I did every time I open overclock it says didnt install module. because my phones not on the list but its suppoised to be Droidx I figure because of the new update Jared may have to reconfigure something I guess it still works but I cant adjust anything I dont know what anything is set at If thats the case I can wait for the update but if not then I gotta figure out whats wrong overclocking is one of the main reasons I rooted Thanks
Hey there, I just bought this app because from everything I've read, it's the best around for the droid x. I installed it and opened it for the first time. It asked for su permission which I granted it. Next think I know, the program pops up a message telling me
"Overclock Module Info
Note: The overclock module was not installed.
This usually occurs because your phone is not
supported for the module. Droid Overclock will
still function properly and you may still use its
main features (CPU Frequency Scaling, Profiles
and Extras)
If your phone is on the supported list, please
uninstall and reinstall "Overclock" or try using
the (New Module) in settings.
If the problems persists, please contacts us.
You can also choose to (Disable Module) in
settings until the problem has been resolved."
I tried installing and reinstalling, but the same thing occurred. I'm currently running rubix 1.8.6 and I know for a fact that this app is supposed to work with the dx and rubix. Also, this app was initially designed for the droid x so I'm questioning why I'd have to use a different module... Shouldn't it be working right out of the box with the phone it was initially defined for?
Please give me some insight. Btw I quoted wooddale bc he seems to be having the same issue.