Brought my "new/like new" replacement Droid X to VRW today for programming as I didnt want to attempt myself. First, I must say the new phone VRW sent (sans battery) looked flawless. Looks like brand new phone. Very impressed. Guy at store says they are all new at this point since the phone hasnt been out long enough for rebuilts. He said takes 3 months for that to kick in. Who knows.
Second, I'm glad I brought in to store for activation, as there was slight problem transferring all my phone #'s to new phone. I tried to watch the guy but he was going so fast I didnt want to be a PITA. Anyway, he was able to retrieve from back-up app on phone instead of the G-mail acct. I didnt really catch the whole issue, I'm just glad I went in to store. Very good service and they were very nice. I guess the personal data, ie. phone #'s, pics, music are not stored on the 16 gig sim card but on the 8gig built in flash drive ???? Anyway, the new phone works great and the camera works better than my original. I realize now that my original never really worked as well as it should have as I never had the red focus square in the screen. All is good here in Clearwater Florida.