Droid X Custom Boot Logo I'll create

my wife would like a cat for her droid x.
can you help me "girly-fy" her phone?

i was thinking a sillouette of a cats head in pink.....

Well I couldn't find any pictures of a cats head in pink but was wondering if you'd want anything like this picture?View attachment 47711Browsing deviantART That guy has a lot of pretty cool pictures that are somewhat girly, at least to me.
If she wants hello kitty or maybe drop dead I have those too.

http://i1147.photobucket.com/albums/o560/NUNsLAUGHTER92/Boot Logos/HelloKitty.jpg

Edit: Posting pictures is being soooo annoying.
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Well I couldn't find any pictures of a cats head in pink but was wondering if you'd want anything like this picture?View attachment 47711Browsing deviantART That guy has a lot of pretty cool pictures that are somewhat girly, at least to me.
If she wants hello kitty or maybe drop dead I have those too.

well i couldnt find one either. so i told her to find the pic she wants on startup and if she finds one, i will post it to this thread.
in the meantime i just set it to the pink android... wash my hands of it for now.

thanks for all the work you all have done though. there are some really trippin logos on this thread. i am using the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy green guy.
well i couldnt find one either. so i told her to find the pic she wants on startup and if she finds one, i will post it to this thread.
in the meantime i just set it to the pink android... wash my hands of it for now.

thanks for all the work you all have done though. there are some really trippin logos on this thread. i am using the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy green guy.

Haha okay, if you post it then I'll make it a logo if no one else does it first.
Here you go. I made the background black since white can be very bright. Let me know if you would prefer white. I'll be home most of the day so I can redo it if needed.
I'll try to remember to make you the boot logo when i get home. I can make a boot animation from a gif file, but I probably couldn't make that gif file... I'm not a Photoshop expert... I will look into it though...

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Hey, I finally figured out how to do it! Thanks anyways though!
But I could still use help with the animation, at least to find where I can learn it.
Thanks again!
I know this thread is old, but could someone make a boot logo for me? I'd appreciate it

