I may have phrased my question wrong... it seems like if I have already edited the setscaling.sh values and ran the commands in terminal emulator i cannot change my values again without rebooting the phone first to clear the edited setscale values. Is there a way to clear them without rebooting the phone. Mabey the setscaling100.sh allows you to do this? I have not configured that yet.
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I have a couple different files in with my setscaling.sh file... setscaling.sh has the defaults, then I have 100 khz incriments in there... setscaling100.sh, setscaling200.sh ... etc ... so all I need to do is tap each (or run from terminal) sh file that I want to run... so if I find a speed that works great, (for example 1.2 ghz) i just tap setscaling200.sh and go to setcpu and make my max now 1200... now if I play with 1.3 ghz and find a value that works, I just modify my setscaling300.sh, tap it, setcpu... and bam!
Basically those are just script files that modify values in the /proc files... The only caveat here is that you do need to run the insmod ...overclock.ko command once each boot. I have gscript set up with those commands automatically tho, so if I don't like the temps, or it gets sluggish, I just go in, hit "stock" and I am back to stock speeds...
Long winded, but hope you get the point....