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I guess you guys didn't think that it's possible that the X does not have the same volume capabilities. Much thinner phone than the droid, it's possible they didn't use a speaker as capable as the Droid's.
I agree that there is a serious low volume/speaker problem. Some people cannot hear their Droid X ringing, some people cannot hear their new text message notifications, others cannot hear verbal navigation directions, and on and on.
What's worse is that not enough people have called the Verizon tech support people, reported the problem, and tried all the suggestions of the first line tech support people (such as taking out and putting back in the battery). If more people called in, officially tried the first level tech support generic fixes, and told the tech representative that the low volume/speaker problem persists, then there would be a greater chance that higher level tech support people would take notice and begin working on a real solution (such as a simple system update that codes the phone to send more power to the speakers when the volume is turned way up).
If you care about the low volume/speaker problem and want to help get Verizon to work on/provide a solution, please read my new post on the matter and follow the four simple steps that I describe.
I am just trying to help everyone in this boat of Droid X's that would be great except that we cannot easily and clearly hear much of what comes out of the speakers. Here is that new post of mine on this issue and what you need to do about it to make a solution become available:
Even if it is actually Moto who will make the fix and not Verizon, presumably Moto will not bother to make the fix without the requisite request and prodding from Verizon, no? And wouldn't Moto and Verizon have to work together at least a bit at some level in order to generate a system update that codes the phone firmware to send more power to the phone speakers when users turn the volume way up, for instance?
I thought it was just me...sadly, I wish I was! Loving the X but the volume is too low for a phone that is being marketed for media use. I shouldn't have to hold the phone to my ear to watch a movie or video. All volume settings are maxed. Any ideas out there?
after seeing that graph you would think that the speaker volume would not be so low. I have to agree that the speaker volume is an issue. It is definitely not loud when it is set to the max. Anyone know if they will/planning on fixing this with an update?
I to do not like the volume is too low I talk with big M today and told them about that. also said when you play music and the ph go in hibernation it stop the music
they need a screen saver that black out, so it works right M says that there new update may fix later so al u can do is turn screen so it never shut off then lower your briteness so u can save battery i spent hours on this mmmm
I've just switched to the DROID X from the BB Tour... wow am i disappointed in the speaker capabilities!! Pandora is almost unusable with this 'multimedia phone'. Quite a disappointment.
I to do not like the volume is too low I talk with big M today and told them about that. also said when you play music and the ph go in hibernation it stop the music
they need a screen saver that black out, so it works right M says that there new update may fix later so al u can do is turn screen so it never shut off then lower your briteness so u can save battery i spent hours on this mmmm
Wait... So your saying YOUR Droid X stops playing music when the screen blanks (I.E after 30 seconds or 1 minute depending on settings)????
I'm testing this on my Droid X, and have had no stopping of any music. Tried it both with Bluetooth stereo headset and playing over the built in speaker. My music continues as it should always has and I've had mine since launch.
It could be a setting in his battery management to kill tasks after a certain period the way they kill your 3g if you dont use your phone within a certain time (to save battery) It doesnt sound like an issue, more of a forgotten setting you didnt realize you placed.
Plz let us know how that goes. I really can't stand my volume settings even with headphones on im getting aggravated how mediocre the volume is on MAX.
I have the Droid X. I cannot hear the phone ring when I it is in my pocketbook. I have searched on The Market for ringtones that might be louder and downloaded a "pay for" RCP, that was a waste, there were no loud ring tones.
I do not want music. I had a great loud ringtone for my BB that I could hear in my pocketbook. It was called Tune_BackFugueDminor.
Does anyone know if I can get that ringtone or if there is a App to get really loud ringtones.