Read it all - Bingo! I finally figured out how to get things straight in my Droid X 2.2 update - Android ForumsThis will fix you right up. Why a Froyo factory reset really isn't (plus, a fix for upgrade issues) | Android Central
^ basically, a factory reset. that article is pure speculation. checking the box isnt what fixed it, doing the reset did lol.
Unless I missed something in the article other then a user guessing that checking the box then restoring fixed it.
And the fact that her recommends not using LauncherPro because it has "issues" is just iceing on the cake. LauncherPro works flawless for me and I assume most other users. Dont jump on bandwagons just because they're rolling.
Why don't you let the OP decide what works best for his situation. There's no need to get your panties in a bunch, you sound like a little girl... Lol.
Because the blind leading the blind is why people ask the same questions over and over. Did I miss the part where I whined, your the one who sounds like a girl defending bad advice from someone who doesnt understand the phone they own.
I feel sorry for you, maybe you should read it again. All their doing is disabling the app restore feature built into froyo. It doesnt restore app settings, it just restores the app itself. It in no way impacts performance other then the first boot which it uses to restore the apps. After that, the phone runs normal. Wait 20 minutes after you do a restore and let the phone load the apps, then its back to normal. Everyone saying its "faster" and "better" of course it seems faster. Its bare stock and not restoring apps...
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