I feel ya, the only two things i miss from a custom Rom really is the drop down notification bar with the shortcuts to GPS, WIFI, etc... and overclocking the kernel for faster speed but with the Droid 2 global compared to the Droid 1 i had i'm happy with the speed... the Led control? you mean to change the colors? i digged that too but after changing them i forgot what each one ment. But now you gotta consider that the people that make/tweak the stock roms might know the Rom/operating system but how much do they know about the hardware? do they know enough information to tweak the light and not brake it? or haven't you seen bricked phones or broken led light for tweaking with the hardware??? and of course we can blame the hardware but maybe it wasn't the hardware... it's like Symantec/Norton Antivirus and ZoneAlarm in windows, Symantec's Group specialize in Virus detection and Removal, but they have a Firewall that is not as good as ZoneAlarm because they know how to program, ZoneAlarm specializes on Firewall and their antivirus sucks... so you gotta think Do you want your phone to have a stock rom that's not going to damage your hardware, you don't know when it's going to be updated but work until then, or do you want a few little tweaks that might limmit your hardware's life and not know when it is going to DIE!...