myfishbear said:
thanks.... guess ppl dont like my work... im going to drop this
We are just so spoiled with everyone putting this feature in their roms.
The reason we don't use moto's stock roms is because they are missing these tiny features along with huge features like built in tethering.
What we really need is the devs to concentrate their efforts and work together to make fewer, but better roms. From the outside it almost looks like none of the devs talk to each other.
For other devices, long ago, I even heard of coding parties where devs would get together on teamspeak and attack major problems. For instance, hashcode seems to have trouble with bluetooth, and now camera flash. Other devs do nothing more than integrate an (IMO) ugly icon theme and move things around.
I'm glad you are one of our more quality devs, so thanks for all your work!
But seriously, why not add these simple features that lots of us use on a daily basis? Be more professional, as not all of us know how to decompile a smali file. Even more of us don't know what a .smali file is in the first place.
The elitism is a major thorne in the xda community, don't bring it here.