Well out of all of the forums I have been on, which is 4 or 5, blackdroid has been kicked off two!
Hope to find his third so i can join...copy cat or not his roms rock....i give credit to google/android teams for the roms to mod no one else.
Well out of all of the forums I have been on, which is 4 or 5, blackdroid has been kicked off two!
I think we, as a forum, would be better served to simply stop hosting developers altogether, and just let the forum be a place to discsuss their work--which would be published elsewhere. The community would still be served, and the "need" to shred other devs would be inappropriate in this forum.
+1 to you sir. the well being of DF users should come first and the admin and mods made sure thats how they handled it.BD was the best in "customer service". But this was his native forum too. It is kinda weird that the loud minority won. And again, i like both roms very much. I can't remember who posted it but it does kind of feel like my rom parents divorced. It'll just be one more droid site i shuffle through. (this site, kellex's site, and then BD's new site)
It was not the loud minority who won. It was the honest majority who won. You still have full access to BD. (on his site) The integrity of this forum was restored. This is not about the size of users. It is about doing what is right.
Do I have to buy Rom Manager to install CyanogenMod?
Exactly, perfectly spoken!
People will believe anything! :icon_ banana:
Believe anything? I don't care what side you are on, everything said above is the truth!
Horrible decision, and here is why. Cyanogen himself says that there is nothing wrong with what BD put in his rom:
His complaint was BD did not give credit. You allowed a vocal minority to convince you to kick BD out.
To recap, Cyanogen says BD's rom's contents is okay, but he wants credit. BD gives credit. Cyanogen's fanbois wreck the forum and say rom contents is not okay with THEM. This vocal minority posts many negative comments about DF, and the admins kick BD out the door. DF is not the same without BD. Unbelievable.
you're not very good at math. You're not even close to 80% of df's user base.
we out # the amount of all views in the forum lol!
mrdroid doesn't like us!
this blows. blackdroid was extremely helpful. and never too busy to answer questions. at the least i hope the other devs take a lesson from him and actually help those of us who dont know much about this. its a sad day at droidforums
Doesnt get much more clear then this
If you're trying to show how many posted in his forum vs the other ROM forums, I'd guess it is because he pretty much hosted his ROM here while the other ROMS were mostly hosted on another forum, and questions and discussions take place there. So, if all of those posts weren't here, I don't see how it matters much if they were mostly discussing UD. They can discuss UD where he nexts hosts 'his' ROM.
You have to add that the majority of threads in BD's section are about all the issues with his ROM. Not only did he steal a bunch of hard work, but he turned it into the buggiest ROMs available.
bd was the best in "customer service". But this was his native forum too. It is kinda weird that the loud minority won. And again, i like both roms very much. I can't remember who posted it but it does kind of feel like my rom parents divorced. It'll just be one more droid site i shuffle through. (this site, kellex's site, and then bd's new site)
it was not the loud minority who won. It was the honest majority who won. You still have full access to bd. (on his site) the integrity of this forum was restored. This is not about the size of users. It is about doing what is right.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa.......figured id ask....seemed like a sensable question.....lol
just feel kinda sad that they ruined all this fun....to think of all the vast info thats gonna be lost cause they stole my toy....whatever bd will pop up somewhere....prolly alldroid and thats where ill get his rom....or android central....im shur they would love to host him sense he brings in high numbers of people....and thats a fact ya'll cant deny!!!!
Do I have to buy Rom Manager to install CyanogenMod?
Nope, but you should.
Horrible decision, and here is why. Cyanogen himself says that there is nothing wrong with what BD put in his rom:
Comments on: New website launched!
His complaint was BD did not give credit. You allowed a vocal minority to convince you to kick BD out.
To recap, Cyanogen says BD's rom's contents is okay, but he wants credit. BD gives credit. Cyanogen's fanbois wreck the forum and say rom contents is not okay with THEM. This vocal minority posts many negative comments about DF, and the admins kick BD out the door. DF is not the same without BD. Unbelievable.
Nice spin. Do you work in Washington? The complaints were not about BD using the code. It was about LYING to everyone about it and then he compounded his error but failing to acknowledge it. To claim that the problem was a misplaced, left over,or whatever, XML file is ludicrous.
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