Personally I think that you should never buy insurance for items that you can replace with cash. You have insurance on your house and car because you can't replace them out of pocket. Just do the math: Add the premium for the life of the contract, plus the deductible to replace the phone. I bet you can buy a lightly used Droid off of eBay or craigslist for less than that, especially in a few months.
If you break phones all the time, just take better care of your stuff. I'm careful with my stuff and have never broken one.
First - I am very careful with my Droid - certainly more so than my last 3 dumb phones. But I do work in a trade that is "hazardous to Droid health". As such I pay close attention at all times to the careful handling of my phone. That being said - I feel the possibility of the phone breaking, losing it or getting it stolen are NOT worth the risk for a $600 phone. And I seriously doubt any good Droid will be had for just a couple hundred or less in 22 months (my new every two)... As if I'd take a chance on an eBay phone anyway. My business depends on the communications realized with my phone. It's mandatory that I have a quality, working phone at all times.Personally I think that you should never buy insurance for items that you can replace with cash. You have insurance on your house and car because you can't replace them out of pocket. Just do the math: Add the premium for the life of the contract, plus the deductible to replace the phone. I bet you can buy a lightly used Droid off of eBay or craigslist for less than that, especially in a few months.
If you break phones all the time, just take better care of your stuff. I'm careful with my stuff and have never broken one.
I don't believe that $600 is a fair number to use for replacement, no one buys them new at that price and you can buy one off of eBay for less. The insurance company sends refurbs anyway, don't they?
I'm all for everyone making the decision they feel the most comfortable with. I just hate to see some people spend extra money if they haven't done the math or really thought about what they are buying. There are people out there who also buy "extended service plans" from Best Buy that are basically throwing their money away.
That's the stigma of all insurances. You may only have piece of mind in the end. Each persons weighs the pluses and minuses and makes a decision based on their own financial situation as well as the merits of piece of mind not worrying about a possible loss. Rarely does one beat insurance companies...You also have to look at the scenario in which you pay for insurance but never use it. You've lost out on the premium and have nothing to show for it.
Link?I bet you can buy a lightly used Droid off of eBay or craigslist for less than that, especially in a few months.
Accidents happen, no matter how careful one is. That's why they're "accidents" and not "planned incidents".If you break phones all the time, just take better care of your stuff. I'm careful with my stuff and have never broken one.
You are right. But on the homeowners insurance - remember most carry a deductible. Maybe much higher than the cost of the phone - so counting on that for theft might not be viable. Not sure about losing your phone either - Asurian does cover it if it's lost. mikeIt is true that accidents do happen, but buying insurance just because.. is not a wise decision either. Another note is that why are we expecting a replacement phone a brand new one? Each phone has more or less a 2-yr life (contract) so paying VZ $8/month ($192+$90=282 worst case replacement at the end - can you sell that phone for that amount on craigslist or eBay 2 years down the road?)
I think the insurance company already did this math in and perhaps for smartphones, an extended warranty to last another year would do for malfunctions otherwise theft would be covered somewhat by your home insurance (if you own a home.)
What say you?:icon_ banana: