Yea, I saw that the creator is active on here and that is a huge plus. Going to go and download it now.
Thanks, providing support is something I have at the very top of my priority list

I have a long history in IT support jobs, both receiving and providing, and the best thing I have with DVD Catalyst is that I have no boss telling me how to do it. If my job-history has taught me one thing, its how NOT to provide support. I've dealt with huge companies, and almost all of them just push people around, long waits etc. There is only one of these that I dealt with that actually shows the proper respect to it's customers, and thats IBM.
Providing proper support takes a lot of time, but in the end, a happy user is all that matters.
Best $10 that I have ever spent. One thing that I have a question about is...Are the upgrades/updates for this software free?
Upgrades within the same big version are free, just click on the cat-eyes to update. Normally for a big version increase, I ask for a small upgrade fee, but I do keep a fair free-upgrade time schedule for customers who purchased before.
BUT (and this is what you want to hear

) while normally I make an entire new app for a full version release, DVD Catalyst 4 will be just an updated version of DVD Catalyst 3.99.9.
DVD Catalyst 3 has all the bells and whistles I can think of, and while I have a few ideas I'm working on (secret

) they do not justify a completely new version. And because the current v3 (3.84.1) is so close to a v4.00.0, it would just be impossible.
So, an upgrade to v4 will also be free :icon_ banana:
I am always open for suggestions, so if you have an idea for a feature you would like to see added, shoot me an email or pm. A lot of stuff that has been added since the 3.0 release are actually based on user ideas.