I was looking at the Profiles and all of them give me the option of 550MHz is the max it can do. I'm assuming I need to install a new Kernal of some sort to allow it to go at higher speeds? Sorry, I'm a complete noob at this :/
Correct. Download Rom manager and there are actually kernels that are free for download (if I remember Correctly) under the cyanogen section. then when you start the phone back up go into setcpu and select autodetect and it will give you the full range of whatever particular kernel you installed.
Yeaaah. I followed your instructions and downloaded bekit Kernals (0.8.4). I downloaded and when it goes to reboot, I get the phone image with the exclamation mark inside a triangle image on the boot up screen and it hangs. Then I have to just hit the power button to reboot it after that.
When loading ROM Manager after this, I get a Recovery Failure screen.
I hope I'm doing something wrong.
Any advice?