This ROM rocks, I haven't done anything aside from flash Google Now and removed the Beats Audio. Thanks myfishbear for creating such a wonderful working ROM. The only thing I've found so far that doesn't work is the panorama mode on the camera; that force closes, otherwise this ROM is fast as hell, silky smooth, and much better battery life. I don't know how much of a pain it would be over how it is now, but if I had a suggestion, I would say to leave Beats Audio out of the ROM and then leave a .zip to add it if someone chooses to. I know it's practically the same thing having it included but being able to remove it as it is not including it but being able to add it, I just suggest it cause I'm an audio snob and think Beats, or any sound algorithms of the like are a joke, and there are probably plenty of people who would agree. But whatever you choose to do is obviously entirely up to you, it was just a suggestion. But thanks again for writing such a sweet ROM. I was gonna wait until a stable MIUI build came out for this phone before deciding to do any real tampering, but my flashing addict side got the best of me and I had to have something different on my phone, just wanted a good daily driver, and this is most definitely it. I was getting random reboots on my phone before and not anymore; which is especially retarded because before, my phone was stock HA. Gotta love how modding your phone can often make it work so much better than stock lol. Maybe these manufacturers should look into employing people from the development community, since they obviously are doing a better job than the devs currently working for the manufacturers. Thanks again fishbear, good ****, good ****.