Sigh, so I was on 101, I just downloaded 103, wiped everything, installed 103 and my phone wont boot. Stuck on a black screen.
Is anyone else having not stellar battery life? I lost 27% in 8 hours over night while my phone was just sitting untouched, that's about twice what I lost when I was on ICS. Are there any tips/tricks to improve battery life?
Sigh, so I was on 101, I just downloaded 103, wiped everything, installed 103 and my phone wont boot. Stuck on a black screen.
Is anyone else having not stellar battery life? I lost 27% in 8 hours over night while my phone was just sitting untouched, that's about twice what I lost when I was on ICS. Are there any tips/tricks to improve battery life?
lol could always use some dough hahaha
v1.0.4 is up... i removed alot of bloat on this version
place your ringtones in your/system/media/audio/ringtone and notification sounds in /system/media/audio/notficationsSweet! Hey myfishbear, any idea why jb doesn't remember sound settings after unmounting the sd Cards? If I unmount, then remount, my phone doesn't remember my ringtone or notification settings.
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update to the jb kern. kexc uses more power cuz your loading 2 kerns.Is anyone else having not stellar battery life? I lost 27% in 8 hours over night while my phone was just sitting untouched, that's about twice what I lost when I was on ICS. Are there any tips/tricks to improve battery life?
place your ringtones in your/system/media/audio/ringtone and notification sounds in /system/media/audio/notfications
it should. my install script dels the system folder and makes a new one.Hah, Omg that's so simple, can't believe I didn't think of that lol. So glad to have you Myfishbear! Btw, just flashed 104. I notice it seems snappier. I'm wondering, if I just flashed over the top of 103, will it still remove the apps you Removed?
Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2
it should. my install script dels the system folder and makes a new one.
i figured many ppl were having battery issues so i been gutting non essentials. i was going to del the email app but i remember i have some ppl that need exchange so i left it in. i also moved talk, maps and something else(i don't remember offhand) to data so you can uninstall it.
here are the apks i removed
View attachment 62009
noCouple of Questions:
Will updating from 1.03 delete my texts/settings/homescreen or no?
You have any intention of bringing the power widget back? I miss that from Eclipse ICS & before