I'm such a moron... I installed this ROM without a clean slate and I was having some connectivity issues after a couple of days.
So, I thought I re-do the whole thing.
I disabled safe-strap in the mean time to get a connection, and when I went back to reinstall the ROM, I forgot to enable safe strap. So -here is where my UTTER stupidity kicks in- when I formated system and everything else, I did it on the non-safe system.
I realized my mistake half-the way thru the formatting proccess -I thought, "did set it back to safe mode...?...... F**K!!!"
To my amazement, the fone worked. It booted, but of course, nothing other than the notification bar. I could receive calls.
Anyway, I thought... no problem: I'm good: I made a backup on the normal bootstrap. That failed! "Error writing system"
Fine, I still have the fastboot files... what do you know, I got the dreaded "windows installer cannot be started..." error. F**ck me sideways!!!!!!!!! That's the one error I have never been able to fix. I have 4 pcs, 3 of them have it. The other one is my BF3 machince (the sacred meca.) that cannot be touched.
Anyway, luckily for me, that razr utility saved the day. I'm back. Gonna try the ROM again. After being back to gingerbread for a couple of days, I really missed that ROM.
Sorry, fellas... I just had to let it all out