Battery Issue
Hey, i could use some HELP!!
i flashed this 2 days ago, without any problems whatsoever. I was on a fresh copy of 2.3.4 SBF (rooted) - that build was working fine, my battery life was very good (for me anyway, like 18 to 20 hrs on average usage) i did have the typical battery usage problems others were reporting, where the battery would mysteriously gain about 10% on reboot, but i could live with that.
I flashed Eclipse, and was LOVING IT!! - However my battery is dropping like a stone. I have since done 2 complete battery calibrations, exactly like the directions call for.
i have gone into task monitor and killed anything that doesn't need to run - (put on auto kill list), i have frozen any bloat or anything else that is unnecessary.
when i flashed the rom, i did the data/cache wipe 3 times!! - it seems to run GREAT, and i am LOVING it, but i cannot live with the battery drain...
my battery is still dropping like a rock...i am getting 8 hrs doing absolutely nothing, i have it set to nighttime saver, and during 8 hours of sleep, i wake up to a nearly dead battery!!
View attachment 41271
I could use some help troubleshooting...Thanks in advance!!