Hypothetical problem...
I am a very small cell provider. In fact I have one tower only. I have sold phone and internet service to 100 subscribers and all is well. The subscribers surf, email, make calls, and my tower can handle the load. I have 100 happy customers and a new car for me. : )
Now, along comes a video provider offering my subscribers cheap streaming media and 10 of the 100 start using it... alot. So much so that now my tower can't handle all the traffic at max speed anymore. I now have 100 unhappy customers because service has slowed for the light users and heavy users alike.
Do I
A: Put up a new tower at my expense, and potentially have to add more? This affects my wallet.
B: Put up a new tower and raise my rates for all customers, again with the potential to have to do it again? This hurts 100% of my customers.
C: Put up a new tower and raise my rates bigtime on heavy user customers, again with the potential to have to do it again? This affects 10% of my users.
D: Charge the streaming provider a fee for using my tower or threaten to throttle his access. This would only hurt 10% of my users.
E: Some combination of the above that allows me to maintain high speed service for all without cutting my profits.
F: Take some of the fat profits from the past 10 years and try to modernize the tower to the benefit of 100% of my customers, as well as enhancing my reputation and possibly bring in more customers.
Naa, that's crazy talk, who needs customers, all that matters is shareholder value.