eWeek's top 10 reasons Android can't touch iOS

Oh just to clarify what Im saying, Im not refering to the entire Android vs iPhone community here, Im talking about Fanboys vs Fanboys.

Most die hard apple fanboys are stupid for one reason... Spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars more for a product because you are told its better, when in reality, its the same crap in a different wrapper.

where as android fanboys are cheap, like openness (somewhat open), and have a tendency to actually know how to use the tech we purchase.


ok that's fair. thanks for making the distinction. and i agree with you. the apple fanboys definitely do it because "it has 300,000 apps!!!! yaaa!!", but not every iphone owner is some helpless moron who cant turn on their oven
Oh just to clarify what Im saying, Im not refering to the entire Android vs iPhone community here, Im talking about Fanboys vs Fanboys.

Most die hard apple fanboys are stupid for one reason... Spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars more for a product because you are told its better, when in reality, its the same crap in a different wrapper.

where as android fanboys are cheap, like openness (somewhat open), and have a tendency to actually know how to use the tech we purchase.


ok that's fair. thanks for making the distinction. and i agree with you. the apple fanboys definitely do it because "it has 300,000 apps!!!! yaaa!!", but not every iphone owner is some helpless moron who cant turn on their oven

Ya, thats why I replied after I wrote it, Ive owned 2 iPhones (2g/3gs) and I liked them both. I dont think the majority are stupid, just the fanboys. The iPhone is more of a social status tool then it is a phone. Its become a fashion accessory. Popularity is evil, it takes away from the quality of the product and makes it less relevant. Antennagate is a perfect example. People will go out and buy a defective product to be cool. If they didn't buy it, Apple would have fixed it asap. But since loyalty runs deep within the apple family, they get away with it. Very similar to what Motorola is doing to the DX users who are unlucky enough to not root/rom, they are stuck with a product that cant even be used to its full potential all because Verizon wanted to make a quick buck.

/end rant
^^ Its about time dancedroid That was ridiculous to say the least. I think I read the same thing 50 times. :icon_eek: