the first four things make you think the article is a joke, and it pretty much is until that point. but the last 6 are true...ios is more responsiveness than android, and easier to use. and itunes integration is a big deal for some people. the first half of the article is a good practical joke, the next makes good points.
but seriously, you gotta wonder what moron wrote that article and didnt know android has multitasking and folders hahaa..
You should do your homework. You can easily sync/play iTunes on your Android Device. Its not native to the OS (3rd party apps) but its easy and cheap or free.
iOS is more responsive due to hardware acceleration on everything. A feature that is being implemented soon to android (Google said it, search for it).
Every point in that article was slander and is false. iOS played catch up to android, and now that it has the missing features (If you even want to call the hack job multi-tasking on iOS real) its suddenly so much better.
Its called a smart phone, not a dumb phone. Ease of use is important. Anyone remember when a smart phone was for "smart people". Most iPhone people cant program the time on the microwave.
I love Journalism that is designed for nothing more then hits/clicks. Money makes the world go round, no matter how crappy or false it is.
1) it's not "easy" in the sense of how easy it is to sync itunes on an iphone. if you think it is, then you should do your homework as well. second, itunes is not just for syncing music. itunes connects to the itunes store which allows you to download tv shows, movies, and songs directly to your handset. you dont have to rip your dvds, convert them to some acceptable format and then transfer them to your phone. android has nothing like that...yet. 200M people use itunes. i'm pretty sure they'd appreciate the integration if it was available to android and not say "eh whatever, i guess that's cool"
2) if it's more responsiveness because of hardware acceleration, it's still more responsiveness. dont see what your point is. it's like saying "your car is only faster then mine because it has a custom intake and exhaust"'s still faster...your point is irrelevant
3) your whole smartphone/dumbphone thing is also odd. You, like other people on this forum, seem to think that all the geniuses have androids, and all the idiots who can't set the timer on their oven have iphones. it's a generalization (an extremely dumb one at that) and it just makes you look more like a fanboy then anyone with any reasoning.
i'm not saying iOS is better than android, i'm not saying android is better than iOS. the author of the article is a complete moron who didn't do his research. but saying "iOS is faster because of hardware acceleration" tells me nothing. it's still faster, i've never seen lag on an iOS device, and every android device in existence has lag. The reason it does or doesn't lag is irrelevant. both OS's have their pros and cons. The first 4 things this moron author listed are false. the last 6 make more sense. why deny it or try to make it look like only idiots have an iphone? makes no sense.