To each his own lol. I'm not going to let that put a damper on my S3
Actually.. I found out how its done.. there is an app on the S3 called Kies Air.. all you have to do is enter the phone's IP address in a browser and you can see EVERYTHING on the S3.
The app is preinstalled on the S3 so unfortunately rooting and titanium backup is the only way to remove it. Btw, for certain people, I'm not the OP on this thread. I didn't start it. Just thought I would offer my 2 cents.
So there's a backdoor on the s3 huh?? And I was just about to buy one...Thanx for the tip![]()
Still... that could probably be hacked... no Thanx... lol. The SIII.. a stalkers best friend lol... jk... but I won't take that chance..![]()
debrad0307 said:You can disable the access of remote devices. You can leave it on and also lock certain areas of your phone. I think it's more for transferring files and stuff.
Now you're just looking for reasons not to get the S3 when you really want it. It's fine if you have a legit reason, but this is a sad excuse right here.
Kies Air is a well known app that allows for remote access to only certain things on the phone. Here's the app on the Play Store. It's not a backdoor into the S3, and it can be easily disabled in the settings if you don't feel comfortable with it (although, I must say, it's pretty awesome if you're away from your phone or can't have your phone right in front of you while at a computer).
I know you can disable it. I said that.. it doesn't bother me. I was just pointing out the app for the OP
94lt1 said:He put spyware on your phone... if its any good... it will not be visible and an fdr won't remove it. Look for a program fro finding spyware.. they're free on the play store..
And guys... let's not be talking about a persons member on here.. family friendly OK?
Yes what he's doing is low.. but we have standards here... let's not stoop to those levels.. k?![]()
You're right lmao... but I just don't like that "chance" that it could be exploited..
Its a personal preference... like getting dated tech in a new phone(moto) which I seem to enjoy lmao
But then if its not this app... it could also be as I suggested... spyware...there's lots off apps like that on the market... idk how good they are..
There is a thing called cloning and it goes undetected on your phone and can not be removed. A friend of mine went through that. In order for it to happen, he would have had to have access to your phone to load the cloning program. If your phone is cloned then he can get your texts, your phone calls, messages, etc. If I understand it correctly, he can even answer your calls and replay back to your texts as if it was coming from your phone. The only way to get rid of it, was to get a new phone. Not sure if rooting would also work.
Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using Droid Forums
A factory data reset should do it Like said. Since I could only see an app being able to do that. Unless he seriously modded your phone which I doubt.
And also another thing to do is just start sending messages to your closest friend (let them know what your doing in person) and just keep texting embarrassing things about him. That should make him stop! Lol
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
He put spyware on your phone... if its any good... it will not be visible and an fdr won't remove it. Look for a program fro finding spyware.. they're free on the play store..
And guys... let's not be talking about a persons member on here.. family friendly OK?
Yes what he's doing is low.. but we have standards here... let's not stoop to those levels.. k?![]()
bsweetness said:94lt1 is right. Got to keep things family friendly.![]()
If he is getting some texts or calls that you are not, it is probably cloning. Apps, like mighty text and tablet talk have to be enabled on both devices in order for it to work and there is a notification icon showing it is enabled so you would know if it was that type of app. I am not familiar with the SG3 app, so I can't offer much insight into that.