Facebook 3.2, Plus 9 other Popular apps - BLACKED OUT (May 15th - '13)

Good looks fam but your dropbox been temporarily disabled

Error (509)
This account's public links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled!
OP updated.. fixed the download links for Facebook.. using an FTP now instead of Dropbox
Updated and loving it! Thanks B-boy.

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk 2
Black Pintrest has been added to the OP...
Black Instagram updated to 3.4.2
Yo.. I get this message popping up every time I open the app after updating to your new version.. I tried hitting Find Friends and Not Now.. but every time it'll come back every time I open it up.

View attachment 60737
Black Facebook updated to 2.2.1 and Black Skype updated to 3.2.0
OP updated with Black Messenger 2.3.1 and Black Instagram 3.4.4
Added Black KiK Messenger, Black WhatsApp Messenger and Black Spotify to the OP
Op updated to 2.3 for Black Facebook and 2.3.2 for FB Messenger..
Updated Spotify to 2.6 and added Dropbox and Twitter to this thread
Twitter updated to 4.0.0