Facebook not updating anymore?

I have the same problem. Started last night. Just the newsfeed returns the error. I was looking at alternative facebook apps this morning. The comments on "bloo" have tons of people complaining about the same thing that started with that app yesterday. I'm guessing something at facebook changed which is making it hard for 3rd party apps to access the data. I suppose I'll try FB on my iPhone after I get up off the couch and see if it is having similar issues.
Interesting... just this minute it started working again. Got my fingers crossed that it continue to work.
Same here. Started last night. I can't access my Wall, nor News Feed. Last night I could get the News Feed okay. I can see my Friends, and what's on their Walls.

Funny though I was able to post something to my Wall even though I couldn't see it.

I guess I'm glad to see it's not just me.

Probably something facebook did, like was suggested. They are always screwing with stuff.
Face book

I have had the same problem with that app as well I have had similar problems with swift and layar.The way I solved the face book prob is I just used the browser that came with my driod.
I had to bookmark the facebook mobile web page and create a short cut on my home screen. I think I like that better now anyway.
Too bad there's not a way to tell anyone involved with the app, or with Facebook.
Yeah i've been trying all night and this morning. It just stopped working out all of a sudden. If i go to notifications and press refresh, it works but when i go to my wall, it wont load. So i'm assuming we cant tell the developers the problems cuz its happening to more and more people
Any word on this problem? I have been having it as well...

And as long as we're on the topic of facebook, has anyone noticed a cap on how many characters you can write on someone else's wall, or is that just me?
Had the problem all day and mine just now all the sudden started working.
Here too!

That's odd, maybe something got infected on a facebook server.

They aren't impenetrable you know...