Okay, Im sorry to be of trouble one more time... but Im seriously confused about something regarding the internal Storage. Since I kinda understand how to install the roms, I wanted to start with a clean slate one more time, so I did a fast boot using RSDLite. Remember how I was saying that I had an enternal memory of 16gb? and that out of that only 2.something remained? well after fast bootiing, the phone was still plugged in and as usual the computer automatically recognized both the internal (or what I assume is the internal storage) and the external SD card.
Here is what the phone shows as remaining of the Internal Storage and then what the Computer shows as the internal storage remaining.

As you can see, the phone shows a total internal storage of 16GB with only 3.66gb remaining.
But the computer recognizes the total internal storage being 8GB with pretty much 8gb remaining.
Do you have any suggestions or ideas why the discrepancy? Did I do something else wrong?
Here is what the phone shows as remaining of the Internal Storage and then what the Computer shows as the internal storage remaining.

As you can see, the phone shows a total internal storage of 16GB with only 3.66gb remaining.
But the computer recognizes the total internal storage being 8GB with pretty much 8gb remaining.
Do you have any suggestions or ideas why the discrepancy? Did I do something else wrong?